Plastic shredders can realize the recycling of resources

2023-04-04 08:50:48

Plastic shredders can realize the recycling of resources
The traditional way of waste plastic disposal is landfill and incineration, but landfill not only needs to occupy a large amount of land, but also has improper anti-seepage measures, which can easily cause the leachate generated to enter the surrounding surface water body or infiltrate into the soil, which will affect the environment around the landfill site. pose a serious threat to the health of residents. The direct incineration of waste plastics may produce toxic gases to pollute the air, and the toxic and harmful substances in the bottom ash after incineration are further enriched, which still needs to be landfilled or further harmless treatment. Therefore, it is more advantageous to recycle and reuse waste plastics after sorting. Different plastics can be collected, sorted and granulated and used as plastics. Plastics can also be reduced to monomers and re-polymerized through pyrolysis and other technologies, so as to realize resource utilization. recycling. Waste plastic recycling can be used again to save resources.

Plastic Shredder Plastic shredder can be used to shred all kinds of soft and hard plastic products, which is beneficial to plastic processing. For example: mineral water bottles, PET bottles, motor oil bottles, gasoline bottles, plastic barrels, etc. The plastic shredder is independently driven by two shafts, so that during production, the material can be squeezed accordingly to achieve the automatic feeding function. The phenomenon of shaft winding or stuck equipment occurs, thereby improving production efficiency. However, due to the harsh working environment of the shredder, emergencies often occur during production and use. When encountering a sudden stop of the plastic shredder, keep calm and don’t repair it blindly.
If the plastic shredder stops suddenly, cut off the power immediately to avoid other accidents during the inspection. To see if there is any blockage in the discharge port, the operator must use it strictly according to the instruction manual, and do not blindly feed the shredder in order to catch up with the work, so as to avoid exceeding the carrying capacity of the machine. In the event of material blockage, stop the machine in time to clean the blockage at the discharge port of the shredder to ensure smooth discharge. It is also necessary to check the components frequently, such as the tightness of the V-belt, the wear and tear of the bearing and its heat generation, the wear and tear of the tool, whether the circuit is aging or broken, and so on. When the voltage is too low, the power supply should be cut off immediately. If the power supply voltage of the working environment is too low, the main machine will not have enough power to break when encountering large-scale materials.

plastic shredder
The plastic shredder is a kind of heavy mechanical equipment for crushing and tearing materials. To clean the reducer of the shredder, do not use high-pressure water guns and other materials with excessive impact to avoid damage. Add lubricating oil to the reducer in time to protect it. The blade of the shredder is an important part of the shredder. If it is worn out or blunt, it must be repaired or replaced in time. Inspection and maintenance of shredder blades.

It is not a dream to turn electronic waste shredders into gold
“You kid doesn’t study hard now, and when you grow up, you will be asked to sweep the streets and pick up trash!” For old boys born in the 1980s who have grown up, we often heard teachers teach us this way when we were young, but now how to pick up rubbish and how to refine rubbish How to extract gold from a pile of junk is a science, please listen to me and tell you in detail.
E-waste is different from other types of waste. E-waste will not be disposed of in landfill due to the difficulty of degradation, while recycling, purification and incineration have become the main way to recycle electronic products. According to Internet data, among waste electronic products, two The precious metal content of the secondary purification is often much higher than that of the primary purification ore, and the gold element contained in the circuit board is 40 to 800 times that of a ton of gold ore. Taking a ton of waste circuit boards as an example, here we only need to use an electronic waste shredder to shred it. After sorting the shredded materials, 400 grams of gold, 200 kilograms of copper and about 500 grams of other metals can be extracted.

Electronic waste shredder
The electronic waste shredder is mainly suitable for waste metal, waste household appliances, waste tires, waste wood-template, waste plastic, waste containers, etc. At present, the electronic waste shredder produced by Kowloon Machinery has been recognized by the majority of users. It plays a pivotal role in the development of my country’s circular economy, and is a new undertaking vigorously advocated by the state. The electronic waste shredder has been popularized all over the country, and has been well received by many users. Let me introduce the three major characteristics of the electronic waste shredder:

Electronic waste shredder 1. The electronic waste shredder is made of alloy blades. The sharp, reliable and advanced crushing system design with long service life greatly improves the service life of the electronic waste shredder equipment. The crushing chamber adopts multi-stage crushing process and fine crushing principle device, which is characterized by large working impact, high sales efficiency and strong fine crushing ability.
2. The consumption of wearing parts is less and the operating cost is low. The electronic waste shredder has reasonable structure, advanced crushing principle and technical parameters, reliable operation, and low operating cost; all parts of the equipment are protected, which reduces maintenance costs to a minimum, and the general service life can be increased by more than 30%.
3. The electronic waste shredders are equipped with dust removal devices to reduce pollution.

What issues should be paid attention to when buying an electronic waste shredder? How should new purchasers deal with communication issues with manufacturers? In the process of machine selection, it is recommended that you choose a regular sales manufacturer, and in the process of equipment consultation, you must clarify the processing material requirements, processing capacity, existing power resources, site conditions, etc.

Plastic shredder promotes recycling of waste plastic industry
China is a big producer and consumer of plastics. The harm of waste plastics to the ocean and human health has become the focus of attention. The task of dealing with plastic pollution is more urgent and arduous. For the plastics industry, the “Three-Year Action Plan for Plastic Recycling” has transformed the extended producer responsibility system concept of “whoever makes it, whoever sells it, recycles it, whoever discards it, returns it, and whoever pollutes it, pays for it” into the practice of the plastics industry. It can be foreseen that the entire plastic industry chain includes synthetic resin polymerization, material modification, plastic packaging, plastic product production, commodity circulation, consumption and post-consumption waste, from production methods to consumption methods, the entire industry of plastic production and recycling in China The chain may usher in revolutionary changes.

The plastic shredder has always been a modern waste plastic recycling production process. The plastic shredder is mainly used in the plastic recycling industry. It is often used for waste large-caliber PE plastic pipes, bundled plastic films, large stacks of plastic sheets and machine heads. material broken.
The highlights of plastic shredder products are as follows:
1. The plastic shredder has the characteristics of low speed, high torque, low noise, etc. It adopts PLC control system, which can be automatically controlled, and has start, stop, reverse and overload automatic reverse control functions.
2. The motor + reducer drives the cutter shaft to achieve the shearing effect of low speed and high torque.

3. The bearing is six-fold sealed, effectively waterproof and dustproof, and prolongs the service life of the bearing.
4. After the plastic shredder tool is worn out, the tool coating and welding repair technology is used to realize the repeated use of the tool and greatly reduce the maintenance cost of the tool.
5. The split-type box design can easily and quickly remove the entire cutter shaft (shaft, blade, bearing, sealing system).

6. The knives of the plastic shredder are arranged in a spiral line to achieve cutting.
In order to help the waste plastics industry implement the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, in order to change the entire industrial chain of waste plastics into a cycle, we will find a harmonious and win-win ecological development path, and provide circular and systematic solutions for various plastic industry chains .

Plastic shredders promote resource recycling and protect the industry
The waste plastic utilization industry has grown into an indispensable resource recycling industry in economic development. With the extensive use of plastic products, scientific and reasonable disposal of waste plastics has become an important issue in protecting the environment and saving resources. Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, my country’s plastic utilization industry has undergone tremendous changes in terms of total recycling, employee size, sorting technology progress, processing equipment upgrades, product application range, and public perception.

plastic shredder
The double-shaft shredder can also be called a plastic shredder, a garbage shredder and other names. It is a plastic machine for coarse shredding of plastics. It is one of the front-end equipment for waste plastic recycling and reuse, and it is a model with good development potential. The circular economy has promoted the full bloom of the double shaft shredder. Due to the good performance of plastic shredder equipment, it is widely used in the plastic recycling industry, but it is also seen that with the extension of use time, the shredder blade is prone to wear and tear. When worn to a certain extent, the blade needs to be replaced. At the same time, we also see that there are many manufacturers of shredder blades on the market, and different manufacturers offer different prices; the price of small plastic shredder blades is around 500 yuan, and the slightly larger blades are around 700 yuan. With such a transparent price, veterans all know that it is lower than the market price. So what are the factors affecting the price of plastic shredder blades? What issues should be paid attention to when buying shredder blades?

Plastic shredder It is understood that the prices of shredder blades in the market are not the same, and some manufacturers have sold blades and introduced measures to reduce prices. When purchasing shredder blades, you should not only refer to the price factor, but more importantly, consider the style and quality of the blades. Before purchasing, you must grasp the price of the shredder blade.

Kowloon plastic shredder is fully moving towards the “stage” of waste plastic industry
Waste plastics are common items in our lives, such as waste industrial plastic barrels, woven bags, plastic packaging bags, beverage bottles, etc., also known as white garbage, which seriously affects our lives. But in the eyes of some discerning friends, these waste plastics are also wealth. Let me take a look at the utilization of waste plastics and everyone will know how these wealth are generated.

The common waste plastic treatment of plastic shredders is inseparable from a kind of equipment, which is “waste plastic shredder”. What is a shredder? Its function is to process some larger materials to achieve material reduction. The equipment is a kind of plastic shredding equipment for solid waste volume reduction. The blade is made of high-strength alloy steel, which has the characteristics of high strength. And other functions, professionally designed for shredding plastic barrels, it has the advantages of uniform discharge, large output, and low noise. The electrical part is controlled by programming of Siemens electrical components, and has functions such as automatic detection of overload protection.
The materials processed by the waste plastic shredder have the following uses;

Plastic shredder 1. Fuel
A large number of plastics are recycled by landfill or incineration, resulting in a lot of waste of resources. Therefore, waste plastics can be used in blast furnace injection instead of coal, oil and coke, in cement rotary kiln instead of coal to burn cement, and as refuse solid fuel (RDF) for power generation, with ideal results. In recent years, in view of the shortage of landfills in Japan, the serious corrosion of HCI on boilers when incinerators process chlorine-containing waste plastics, and the generation of dioxins in the combustion process to pollute the environment, the use of waste plastics with high calorific value to mix various combustible After the garbage is made into RDF with a calorific value of 20,933kJ/kg and a uniform particle size, even if the chlorine is diluted, it is also convenient for storage, transportation, and fuel for other boilers and industrial kilns to replace coal. Blast furnace injection of waste plastics technology is also a new method of processing waste plastics by using the high calorific value of waste plastics, making waste plastics as raw materials into suitable particle sizes and spraying them into blast furnaces to replace coke or coal powder. The application of waste plastic injection in foreign blast furnaces shows that the utilization rate of waste plastic is 80%, the emission is 0.1%~1.0% of the incineration amount, less harmful gas is produced, and the treatment cost is lower. Blast furnace injection of waste plastics technology has opened up a new way for the comprehensive utilization of waste plastics and the control of “white pollution”, and also provides a new means for metallurgical enterprises to save energy and increase efficiency.

Plastic shredder 2. Power generation
Garbage solid fuel power generation has been used for a long time, and there are 37 RDF power stations, accounting for 21.6% of the waste power stations. Japan has realized the huge potential of waste plastic power generation. Japan has changed some small waste incineration stations into RDF production stations in combination with major repairs, so as to carry out continuous large-scale power generation after concentration, so that the steam parameters of the waste power station have increased from 30,012 to about 45,012, and the power generation efficiency has increased from the original 15% to 20%~ 25%. Using waste plastics to generate electricity can reduce coal, oil consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions. Japan plans to increase the current waste power generation capacity by 5 times by 2010, so that the annual waste power generation capacity will reach more than 4 million kilowatts.
Three, oily
Since plastic is a product of petrochemical industry, from the chemical structure point of view, plastic is a high-molecular hydrocarbon, while gasoline and diesel are low-molecular hydrocarbons. Therefore, it is possible to convert waste plastics into fuel oil, and it is also the current research topic. Important area. Japan’s Fuji Recycling Technology Co., Ltd. uses plastic oil technology to recover 0.6 liters of gasoline, 0.21 liters of diesel and 0.21 liters of kerosene from 1 kg of waste plastics. They also invested 1.8 billion yen to build a waste plastic oil plant, which can process 10 tons of waste plastic per day and produce 10,000 liters of fuel oil.

Plastic shredder turns waste plastic into treasure
With the improvement of people’s living standards, plastic waste has doubled, especially domestic waste, which mainly refers to the discarded waste plastics scattered on farmland, urban areas, scenic tourist areas, water conservancy facilities and on both sides of roads, which are harmful to the urban environment. , human health, arable land and soil, and the consumption of petroleum resources.
Plastic shredders all know that we cannot live without the use of woven bags, plastic bags, etc., which are convenient for our lives, but also cause great harm, that is, how to deal with waste after use, how can we Let the discarded plastic bags be reused, which requires the use of plastic shredders.
Plastic shredder The working principle of the plastic shredder is different from that of ordinary equipment. Its blades have high efficiency and obvious shredding effect. According to the requirements of customers, it is equipped with an automatic feeding and conveying system, and it is controlled according to the handling capacity. The shredder equipment itself has The load is reversed, and the computer program-controlled system means that when the equipment exceeds the load and gets stuck, it will reverse itself, then rotate forward, adjust the position of the material, and then rotate forward again to tear the material, which can ensure the smooth production of the equipment.
The prospect of the feasibility of plastic shredders. The shredder industry is an emerging industry and an important job in modern industry. Compared with other industrial sectors, although it is very young, due to the high strength and excellent electrical properties of plastics, Superior chemical stability, small friction coefficient and performance, some shock absorption and sound insulation effects, and has good elasticity, can be well adhered to metal, glass, wood and other materials.

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