How to screen and sort Household waste?

2024-05-29 10:00:26

How to screen and sort Household waste?

For the promotion of dual carbon policy and zero-waste city, the disposal of Household waste must be solved, and its disposal solutions currently include landfill, incineration and resource disposal. In the zero-waste city, it is mentioned that the source reduction and resource utilization of solid waste will be continuously promoted, so the resource disposal of Household waste has been pushed to a high tide. This article shares with you some sorting equipment for Household waste.

Original Household waste is generally packed in bags. After rough crushing, the follow-up is a series of sorting steps, and then enters the subsequent disposal process.

1. Manual sorting platform
This step is mainly composed of a belt conveyor and a manual sorting platform. It mainly selects recyclables and other items that need to be handled separately before the material is screened and crushed too fine.

2. Permanent magnetic iron remover
Mainly recycles the magnetic metals in the material for reuse.

3. Drum screen
Screen small particles such as slag and other materials.

4.Wind separator
Separate light and heavy materials, and re-screen the light materials that have not been screened pure at the front end, and obtain materials with higher purity to enter the next disposal process for resource utilization.

How should Household waste be disposed of?

Definition of Household waste: solid waste generated by people in daily life or in activities that provide services for daily life, as well as solid waste that is regarded as Household waste according to laws and administrative regulations. It mainly includes Household waste, market trade and commercial waste, public place waste, street cleaning waste and enterprise and institution waste.

Household waste

In the early days, the main form of Household waste disposal in my country was landfill, that is, all Household waste was uniformly transported to landfills for centralized landfill. Although this disposal method can quickly alleviate the problem of garbage siege, it also generates serious problems such as land occupation and environmental pollution. On this basis, my country has continuously explored and researched, and finally adopted incineration instead of landfill, and fully burned Household waste by building waste incineration power plants. Although this disposal method can quickly solve the problem of garbage management and fully realize garbage reduction and harmless disposal, it also disposes some recyclable materials in Household garbage, resulting in the waste and loss of some resources.

Household garbage disposal site

In response to this kind of resource waste problem, a set of Household garbage sorting and disposal production line independently developed by Kowloon Machinery Environmental Protection can be configured at the front end of garbage incineration power generation. The specific process is:

① The Household garbage is uniformly transported to the garbage storage pit, and the materials are transported to the crusher by the driving grab for tearing and crushing.

② The crushed materials enter the drum screen, and the organic matter such as kitchen waste in the Household garbage is separated by the drum screen. The kitchen waste can be composted by aerobic fermentation.

③ The remaining inorganic matter enters the manual sorting platform, and the recyclables in the Household garbage are sorted by the manual sorting platform.

④ The remaining materials enter the air separator, and the non-combustibles are sorted by the air separator, and the combustibles are sent to the garbage power plant for incineration, and the non-combustibles are landfilled.

What are the ways to dispose of Household garbage?

The increase in Household waste is inseparable from economic development and changes in people’s consumption habits. With the increasing amount of Household waste, if Household waste is not handled in a timely and scientific manner, it will not only affect environmental sanitation, but also cause great harm to people’s health, especially in densely populated urban areas. Garbage disposal is indeed a headache. Here are some ways to deal with Household waste.

1. Landfill
Landfill is to bury the garbage directly underground for natural decomposition and degradation. It uses potholes to bury garbage, which can not only dispose of waste, but also cover the land. It is the earliest, most widely used and most traditional method of garbage disposal.

Disadvantages of landfill:

1. It occupies a large amount of land resources, and landfill does not reduce the amount of garbage;

2. There are many restrictions on landfill sites, and it is difficult to select a site. A large amount of Household waste requires a huge landfill site, which makes it difficult to select a site for a new landfill;

3. Leachate is difficult to handle and easily pollutes groundwater and soil. Landfills have a high risk of environmental pollution. Household waste landfills do not effectively treat pollution sources. With the increase in stockpiles and the extension of time, it is easy to cause leakage and pollute the surrounding environment such as soil and groundwater;

4. Landfills are prone to produce gases such as methane. Biogas is difficult to collect and treat. In addition to polluting the environment, it is also easy to cause explosions.

2. Incineration
Waste incineration is to place garbage in a high-temperature furnace to make it undergo appropriate thermal decomposition, combustion, melting and other reactions, and reduce its volume through oxidation at high temperature to make it a residue or molten solid material. The heat generated can be used for power generation and heating.

Disadvantages of waste incineration:

1. It is easy to cause environmental pollution, such as dioxins, fly ash, wastewater, etc.;

2. Large equipment investment and long capital occupation cycle;

3. High technical integration and high management and guarantee level requirements;

4. my country’s garbage classification is imperfect, and pretreatment before incineration is relatively complicated.

3. Resource disposal
There are a lot of recyclable materials in Household waste, such as high calorific value combustibles can be prepared into alternative fuels (RDF, SRF) to reduce the use of coal, organic matter can be made into compost or used for biogas fermentation, plastics, glass, metals, waste paper and other high-value recyclables can be directly refurbished or used as raw materials for processing, so resource disposal is a very good choice.

Characteristics of Household waste resource utilization:

1. Resource utilization of Household waste can save resources and reduce dependence on natural resources. Garbage contains many recyclable resources, such as plastics, metals, paper, glass, etc. These resources can be recycled and reused to reduce dependence on raw materials, reduce production costs, and also reduce the consumption of natural resources.

2. Resource utilization of Household waste can reduce environmental pollution and protect the environment. Garbage contains a lot of harmful substances, such as wastewater, waste gas, waste residue, etc. These substances will pollute the environment, and through the resource utilization of garbage, these harmful substances can be treated to reduce pollution to the environment. At the same time, waste resource recycling can also reduce the accumulation of garbage, reduce the occupation of land and water sources, and thus protect the environment.

3. The resource recycling of Household waste can create economic and social benefits. The resource recycling of garbage can produce new products and services, create new economic and social value, and at the same time create employment opportunities for the society and promote economic development.

4. The resource recycling of Household waste can improve people’s environmental awareness and sense of responsibility. Through the resource recycling of garbage, people can better understand the harm of garbage, improve environmental awareness and sense of responsibility, and thus more consciously participate in environmental protection.

In summary, the resource recycling of Household waste has important economic, environmental and social benefits, and is an important way to achieve sustainable development. We should strengthen the publicity and promotion of waste resource recycling, encourage people to participate in waste resource recycling, and jointly protect our environment and the earth.



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