How to deal with the failure of the Wood saw dust machine fault

2023-03-02 10:13:21

How to deal with the failure of the Wood saw dust machine fault
  Sometimes there is a problem with the fan when the Wood saw dust machine is working. We need to find out the reason, solve the fault, and ensure normal use. First of all, we analyze the reasons. There are several reasons for common fan failures, and then solve the problem according to the specific situation:
1. The induced draft fan of the Wood saw dust machine shakes. There are many reasons for shaking, such as poor discharge, insufficient battery, opposite power supply, loose screws, etc. This causes the fan to vibrate. Unplug the power first, then analyze the shaking caused by the cause, solve the problem and then work;

2. The feeding speed is too fast. Long-term plans cannot be made for short-term benefits. If the feeding speed is too fast, the sieve hole on the screen may be blocked, so that the fan cannot work and the material cannot be pumped out. Therefore, for long-term development, the feed rate should be reasonably controlled. If the production time is tight, several larger Wood saw dust machines can be equipped without affecting the daily work.

3. The middle point of fan rotation and the center of the motor shaft are not at the same rotation point, resulting in centrifugal phenomenon. When the motor rotates, the rotation of the fan and the motor is not synchronized, and the regular rotation is lost. The production line will experience huge shocks, generate noise, and reduce production efficiency. Therefore, in order to ensure that the rotation center of the fan and the center of the motor shaft are at the same rotation point, the machine is designed. To check carefully, this will test the skills in daily operations.
In fact, there are many reasons that can cause the fan of the Wood saw dust machine to fail. We can’t explain them all. Perhaps a small detail can cause a fault to appear on the fan, so it is necessary to operate strictly in accordance with the specifications of the product. If the cause of the failure really occurs, you can directly call the wood crusher manufacturer to consult professional and technical workers to help solve it. No major changes to the machine are allowed without permission, thus ensuring the safety of personnel.

Wood saw dust machine holds a very important share in the market
In recent years, the country has been vigorously developing the green area. The purpose is to optimize people’s surrounding living environment and improve people’s quality of life. However, a large number of rectifications always bring some green pollution. Every year, these green plants will produce a lot of green after pruning. Garbage, and these green wastes are very troublesome to clean up, and the quantity is also very large, which not only consumes a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, but also the result of the treatment is very unsatisfactory.

The emergence of Wood saw dust machine equipment is a good change in this situation. It can easily crush these green wastes, and these green wastes have many uses after being crushed by Wood saw dust machines. For example, it can be directly and evenly spread on the green plants as an organic mulch to prevent the water in the soil around the green plants from evaporating; it can also be used as an organic fertilizer after fermentation to make the green plants grow stronger; or used for Manufactured into high-density wood-based panels, and then manufactured into furniture, tables, chairs, etc., and can also be used for papermaking, power generation, edible fungus, fuel, etc. This Wood saw dust machine equipment can also be customized according to customer needs It is very convenient to use to adjust the output size.

Wood saw dust machines occupy a very important share in the market, and have become an important pillar in my country’s shredder market, occupying a very high proportion of market share. Nowadays, whether it is used in paper mills or medicinal material crushing or manufacturers of high-density boards, they are all using large-scale Wood saw dust machine equipment. Even the edible fungus industry has begun to use Wood saw dust machine equipment. No matter which industry uses wood Crusher equipment. We all have to choose manufacturers with guaranteed quality and performance. The Wood saw dust machine equipment produced by large enterprises is very good, but the price will be more expensive, and the Wood saw dust machine produced by some small workshops is very cheap. , but it is really difficult to guarantee the quality, no matter what kind of wood crusher equipment we have to choose good quality and suitable for ourselves.

Wood saw dust machines are needed for all kinds of wood recycling
In recent years, with regard to some popular industries, it must be the wood recycling industry, because the entry threshold of this industry is very low, there are not many particularly high educational requirements, there are other technical requirements, and the investment is very small. Just go out and buy all kinds of wood waste every day, which means that many people enter this industry every year, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

Wood saw dust machine
Many people are also eager to join this industry, but they are afraid that they will start later than others, and do not know whether it is appropriate to join now. In fact, there is no need to worry about this, because there is a large amount of waste wood produced in our country every year, and with the continuous improvement of people’s living standards With the increase, the demand for various wood products is also increasing, and the market is also in great need of various wood recycling.

Wood saw dust machine
In fact, waste wood itself still has some use value, but we have not found it in the past. We can process these waste wood into various materials of different sizes through Wood saw dust machines, and some enterprises can process these materials through a series of After processing, it can be recycled, and the person who buys this kind of waste wood is to buy it back and process it through a Wood saw dust machine, and then sell it to the companies that can be used to make corresponding profits. economic income.

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