How to choose decoration waste disposal equipment?

2024-05-27 08:53:16

How to choose decoration waste disposal equipment?

According to the national economic development plan, it is proposed that the comprehensive utilization rate of construction and decoration waste should reach 60% by 2025 (the comprehensive utilization rate in 2020 is 50%). It is necessary to carry out a demonstration project for the resource utilization of construction and decoration waste and build 50 construction and decoration waste resources. Utilization demonstration city. Therefore, in recent years, local governments have attached great importance to the disposal of construction and decoration waste, and construction and decoration waste projects can often be seen in various places. After more than ten years of development, construction waste treatment technology and models have actually become mature. At the same time, because the composition of construction waste is relatively simple, the treatment process is not that complicated.

However, because of the complex composition of decoration waste, the treatment methods are also complicated. Let’s first take a look at the composition of decoration waste. Decoration waste is usually bagged garbage, which is mainly composed of inorganic inert materials, with more light materials (including plastics, wood, fabrics, etc.); inorganic inert materials include bricks and air-entrained blocks. Mainly, accounting for about 50%; the dust content is high; the content of concrete blocks (including steel bars) is low, and its recycling value is lower than that of demolition waste; the bulk density is low, about 0.74~0.96t/m3.

Under normal circumstances, the decoration waste will first be manually sorted to select light substances. The sorted decoration waste will be crushed or screened to further remove impurities. Finally, the relatively pure aggregates will be crushed using an impact crusher. Aggregates of various sizes, and of course most of the decoration waste do not contain that much concrete, are usually used to make brick powder. The sorted light materials are packaged and shipped out, and some need to be sent to power plants for incineration for a fee. Of course, some operating companies will further process the light materials from decoration waste into SRF or RDF and sell them to power plants or cement plants as alternative fuels. This is equivalent to increasing the income from decoration waste disposal;

From the above treatment process, we can see that the decoration waste treatment production line uses crushing equipment, screening equipment, air separation equipment, manual sorting, etc. When selecting equipment, we must not only pay attention to the equipment itself, but also pay attention to the process configuration. rationality, and at the same time pay attention to the relevant data of the operation, so as to select the appropriate decoration waste treatment equipment.



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